We are expanding our portfolio of AD sites across the UK and always keen to explore new opportunities. Could you join our exciting journey?

How will you benefit:

  1. A reliable, healthy, long term ground rent
  2. A long term feedstock contract, taking the risk out of the volatile commodity markets
  3. Digestate returned to your farm that reduces reliance on artificial fertiliser and builds organic matter in the soil structure
machine working on rainbarrow farm

What you need

As a landowner, does your land meet the following criteria:

– Approximately 10-12 acres for the AD plant
– Near a gas main. Not Sure? Let us take a look
– Local feedstock suppliers. Either farm wastes, residues or crops

Could you be a feedstock partner?

Are you interested in becoming a feedstock partner to one of our existing or future AD sites?
We are looking for long term feedstock partners to supply:
  • Sustainably grown crops such as maize, grass and wholecrops
  • Poultry litter
  • Farmyard manure
  • Pig and cow slurry
  • Whey permeate
  • Apple pomace
  • Vegetable/fruit waste

In addition to these products generating an income for farmers by supplying our AD plants, you will also benefit from receiving digestate. The digestate is a nutrient rich by-product from the AD process and can be spread on land as a bio-fertiliser, displacing the need and cost of artificial fertiliser.

Are you local to one of our existing or future plants?

Get in touch with our dedicated team to discuss your opportunity:

Joe Leeming
Business Development Manager, South Region
07849 179 533

Matthew Sargeant
Business Development Manager, North Region
07974 394 879

Photograph of Rob McKeon

Rob McKeon
Head of Business Development UK
07974 284 909